
Accessibility and usability have been key elements considered in the development of this website, so we hope you can find, access and use the information you need.

This website has been designed to meet the Australian Government standards, including those that relate to access for people with disabilities.

This website aims to conform to Double A of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2 (WCAG 2.0), developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

This site has been developed to display adequately on all commonly used browsers. Special features have been included to enable effective operation by persons using accessibility hardware and/or software. The site is optimised for a 1024 x 768 screen resolution but will scale appropriately to both higher and lower screen resolutions.

If there is information that you require and it is in a format you cannot access, or if you experience any other accessibility difficulties, please contact us.

Change the size of the text

To change the size of the text, change the text display settings in your web browser.

In Windows this is done in different browsers:

  • In Internet Explorer go to the View menu and select the Text size option, then the size you prefer
  • In Firefox 1.5 / 2 open the View menu with the mouse or by selecting Alt and V at the same time.  Select the Text Size option with the mouse or select Z. Increase or decrease the text size with the mouse or by using the up and down arrow keys and selecting Enter.
  • In Firefox versions earlier than 1.5 open the View menu with the mouse or by selecting Alt and V at the same time. Select the Text Size option with the mouse or by selecting S twice.  Increase or decrease the text size with the mouse or by using the up and down arrow keys and selecting Enter.
  • In Netscape click on the View menu with the mouse or select Alt + V .  Click on the Text Zoom option with the mouse or select Z. Click on the text size you want with the mouse or use the up and down keys and then Enter to select the text size you want.
  • In Opera press + (in some versions you might need to select the Shift key as well) to increase size and the – (minus) to decrease text size. Each click will increase or decrease the size by 10%. Alternatively select Alt + V to bring up the view menu and then select Z to bring up the zoom options then use the up and down arrow keys to select the option you want followed by Enter.

In Mac this is done in different browsers:

  • In Firefox, Internet Explorer or Netscape 7 select Apple and + (plus) to increase the text size and Apple and – (minus ) to decrease the text size
  • In Opera for OS 8 and 9, select Apple + Y.  Click on Fonts and colours or use the down arrow to select it. Click in the box next to Minimum font size (pixels) or use Tab until the box is highlighted and enter a minimum font size
  • In Opera 8 / 9 for OS X select Apple + , (comma). Click on the Web pages tab or select Alt + Tab until the Web pages tab is selected. Click on the Page Zoom option box and select your zoom size or use the Tab key twice to select the page zoom option box and use the up and down arrow keys to select your zoom size.
  • In Safari click on the View menu with the mouse. Click on Make Text Bigger or Make Text Smaller to change the font size

In Linux this is done in different browsers:

  • In Firefox open the View menu with the mouse or by selecting Alt + V. Click Text Size. Click on Increase or Decrease to change the text size or use the right arrow to expand the Text Size menu options and use the up and down arrow to select Increase or Decrease and then select Enter
  • In Konqueror select Ctrl and + (plus) to increase the text size and select Ctrl + – (minus) to decrease the text size
  • In Opera 8 /9 select Shift and + to increase size and Shift + – to decrease text size. Each time you repeat this will increase or decrease the size by 10%.
  • In Opera 6 /7 click on the File menu or select Alt + F. Click on the Preferences option or select R. Select Page Style. Click on the box under Default Zoom and when the list pops up click on the font size you want or select Alt + Z and use the up and down arrows to select the font size you want

Search and search options

You can search the web site by typing one or more keywords into the search input box at the top right of any web page. This search option has been customised to operate without javascript if required. Users without javascript operational on their browser need to select the arrow function to start their search.

If your search returns too many results you can use the Advanced Search option to refine your search.

Help with accessing PDF files

To read PDF documents you need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Commonly this is already on your computer, installed with your web browser. But if you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can download it for free from

Downloading documents

You can download documents and open them to read in your web browser or save them to your computer to read offline. To read a downloadable document in your web browser simply click the link to the document. To save a downloadable document right-click on the download (PC) or shift + click (Mac) and select the Save link or Save target option.

Plain and simple language

We have tried to write the information on this web site in plain and simple language so it is easy to understand for as many people as possible.