Working with Dads training
Working with Dads training is run regularly through Relationships Australia Victoria’s training program. Sign up now and get yourself ready to work with dads. We deliver this training face-to-face and online across Australia.
Book your spot
Learn at your pace
Unable to make one of our scheduled Working with Dads workshop dates? Sign up for our new online, self-paced course.
It’s available to start any time and provides participants with the same content and learning outcomes as one of our scheduled training workshops but it can be completed at your own pace over 12 months.
The course is available on Relationships Australia Victoria’s online learning management system, providing you with easy access to all the training materials, Support for Fathers resources, online forums and personalised video responses from experienced facilitators.
Register for the self-paced courseWhat's in the training?
The Working with Dads training supports you to gain knowledge, practical advice and strategies to engage dads and families in positive and effective ways.
You’ll learn in depth about our fatherhood resources and professionals’ toolkit and you will:
- Know what makes dads important
- Understand different ways to be a dad
- Learn about dad-focused programs, research and work across Australia
- Promote to dads effectively
- Support dads to create positive family relationships
- Build a dad-focused service
- Understand the issues for dads working from home
- Plan for future work with dads
Working with Dads at your organisation
Support for Fathers runs in-house training for organisations, workplaces, networks and community groups. Take advantage of the benefits of doing training just for you and your colleagues. We come to you and make the training work for your community. We deliver this training face-to-face and online across Australia.