Dads raising the next generation

We are talking about raising the next generation of kids to be happy and healthy and how parents play a crucial role in making this happen.

The next generation of kids will also go on to contribute to their community and take with them the messages, ideas and behaviours from their parents.

Support for Fathers wants dads to recognise how they play a major role in raising children and the next generation. So, we talked to dads and families around Australia and did some research.

We found that dads doing practical activities with their child is most strongly linked to dads having a positive effect on raising the next generation1. Practical activities means everyday, routine things that dads do with their kids.

Use the following steps to get started.

1 – Positive messages

Here’s some positive messages about fatherhood. Choose the message that applies to you or the dad you know.

  • Becoming a dad is a life-changing event.
  • Raising your child is raising the next generation.
  • The type of dad you are and your approach to being a dad influences the kind of person your child will become.
  • Doing practical things with your child teaches them about the world.
  • The more you’re involved with your child’s life, the more they learn from you.
  • Or come up with your own…


2 – Dads and kids together

Here’s a list of practical activities that dads do with their kids. Choose the activities that applies to you or the dad you know.

  • Dropping off or picking up from school
  • Going to the supermarket
  • Hanging out with the dad’s friends
  • Doing house work
  • Walking the dog
  • Hanging out with the child’s friends
  • Going to a dads’ group.
  • Or come up with your own…


3 – Name the dad

Here’s a list of titles that can be applied to dads. These can be changed for different scenarios, times of the day and ages of the children. Choose the titles that applies to you or the dad you know.

  • Role model
  • Leader
  • Guide
  • Teacher
  • Coach
  • Or come up with your own…

We hope it gives dads a chance to think about fatherhood, focus on the relationship with their child and to recognise that dads play an important role in creating healthy families and communities.


  1. (2000) McKeering, H & Pakenham, K. Do Fathers Benefit More Than Mothers From Involvement in Child Care Activities? Queensland: Gender and Generativity Issues in Parenting, Sex Roles. Vol. 43.